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There are two questions people spend their lives trying to answer, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” This world is full of opportunities & choices, and if we don’t know our identity and destiny we could end up in a career, relationship, or situation we’re not built for. In Kingdom Identity, you’ll learn that knowing “what” you’re called to is knowing “who” you’re called to. But before you know “who” you’re called to, you need to know who YOU are. Kingdom Identity will establish unshakeable identity and bring you to your destiny training. It will reveal the inheritance of being “in Christ”, it will help you understand the process of lifelong change and transformation, and help develop your God-given identity that will lead you to your destiny track. Get ready as Pastor Chris passionately shares these insights that will give you endurance and clarity to live the life you were designed to live!

Curriculum Includes:
Session 1: The Indestructible Life
Session 2: The Reason of Being Hidden
Session 3: Change Me
Session 4: Making Room For The New
Session 5: In The Mean Time – Waiting For Change
Session 6: Discovering Identity
Session 7: Discovering Destiny
Session 8: Destiny Decisions
8 Sessions streamed online & 1 downloadable Kingdom Identity Workbook